Ventes de succession et évaluations
Foire Aux Questions
Abonnez-vous à notre infolettre
Nous répondons à vos questions
Est-ce que les ventes sont finales ?
La plupart des transactions de vente sont finales et la marchandise est vendue telle quelle. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour étiqueter tel quel sur les pièces endommagées, mais nous pouvons manquer quelque chose, alors vérifiez bien.
Ai-je accès à toutes les chambres ?
Veuillez noter que toutes les maisons ne donnent pas accès à une salle de bains. Donc, si on vous y refuse l’accès, c’est généralement parce que la famille a stocké des objets personnels et il n’y en a pas d’autre disponible.
Quel type de monnaie dois-je avoir ?
Essayez d’apporter du change avec vous, c’est-à-dire des 1 $, 2 $, 5 $ et 10 $ au lieu des billets de 20 $ après avoir passé au guichet automatique. Après la première heure, les nombreux 5 $ que nous apportons à la vente sont souvent épuisés. Et n’oubliez pas que c’est argent comptant seulement.
Puis-je être accompagné d'un animal domestique ?
Bien que la plupart d’entre nous aiment les chiens, certains propriétaires ne les apprécient pas chez eux. Pour cette raison, veuillez demander si les chiens sont permis à cette vente avant votre visite.
Puis-je tester les appareils éléctriques ?
Veuillez brancher tous les articles électriques (aspirateurs, grille-pain, cafetières, etc.) ou autres appareils électroniques (radios, téléphones stéréo, etc.) pour vérifier si cela fonctionne. Nous ne vivons pas ici et ne le savons peut-être pas si certains ne fonctionnent pas.
Puis-je communiquer avec vous en Français ?
Si le français est votre première langue ou votre langue préférée, allez-y, on vous écoute. Nous parlons français aussi.
Est-ce que je connaitre les prix avant la date de la vente ?
Nous ne donnons pas de prix par courriel, SMS ou par téléphone. Veuillez venir en personne.
Faites-vous des ventes toute l'année ?
Contrairement aux ventes de garage d’été saisonnières, nos ventes de biens immobiliers se déroulent toute l’année, de l’hiver au printemps, puis à l’été et enfin en automne.
D'où apportez-vous les items à vendre ?
Nous avons une politique de ne pas apporter nos propres marchandises à la vente. Toutes les marchandises proviennent de la maison de vente actuelle.
Acceptez-vous des offers ?
Les offres sur les articles sont toujours les bienvenues, car assister à une vente de biens immobiliers implique souvent de négocier les prix. On ne sait jamais, votre offre peut être acceptée sur place, plus tard dans la journée ou le lendemain.
Quand ouvrez-vous la vente ?
Si nous avons quelques minutes de retard dans l’ouverture, veuillez être patient, car parfois, les propriétaires ajoutent des articles au dernier moment et ils doivent être placés et évalués. Nous travaillons aussi vite que possible.
Est-ce qu'il y a des règles à suivre pour assister à la vente ?
Si vous attendez dans le hall ou le couloir d’un appartement ou d’un condo, veuillez être calme, car le bruit peut déranger les autres résidents et la direction.
Nous pensons que le respect est primordial dans notre interaction avec nos clients et nous nous attendons à ce qu’on nous rende la pareille. De plus, lorsque vous stationnez, respectez le quartier en évitant de stationner devant ou à l’intérieur de l’allée d’un voisin.
Est-ce que le stationnement est disponible ?
La plupart du temps, il y a un stationnement dans la rue. Veuillez respecter le quartier en ne vous garant pas dans ou devant l’allée d’un voisin.
What do your services cost?
For an Estate or Moving Sale we do not ask for a deposit. Our fee is based on a percentage of gross sales after a minimum fee is reached. Our minimum fee is required to meet advertising, supplies and some of our labor costs. Minimum fees are discussed at our first meeting.
For an Appraisal there is an hourly fee.
What do you sell?
Our company specializes in possessions, including but not limited to: Fine Arts: Paintings & Sculpture, Jewelry, Metals: Gold & Sterling, Objets d’Art, Antiques, Fine Furniture, Collectibles, Automobiles, Luxury Items and Home Contents.
What do you appraise?
Our company specializes in possessions, including but not limited to: Fine Arts: Paintings & Sculpture, Jewelry, Metals: Gold & Sterling, Objets d’Art
Fine Arts, Antiques, Fine Furniture, Collectibles, Automobiles, Luxury Items and Home Contents.
What should I do to prepare for a sale?
Planning ahead before we meet is key! We kindly ask that you remove all personal and private items that you plan to keep. If we find these items during our setup we put them in safekeeping for you. As for the rest we do ask that you do not throw anything away.
When we meet we can see what is for sale which will help us assess the amount of work involved and the approximate value of the estate sale.
When we meet we can see what is for sale which will help us assess the amount of work involved and the approximate value of the estate sale.
How do you prepare for our estate sale?
The first step is choosing a date and signing a contract. Our team comes into your home a few days prior to your estate sale setup. We bring clothing racks, tables, table cloths, locked showcases, wrapping supplies, and whatever else is needed. We use available tables, shelves and similar areas for display purposes. A secure area is sanctioned off for small valuables.
Then we fully stage, research and price merchandise.
Upon completion we mark the prices on the items using a variety of labels, tags and stickers. At the end of our setup, we take photos for our website and advertising.
A couple of days before your estate sale, a notice is emailed to our subscribers informing them of the address, the date, photos and description of the content.
A couple of days before your estate sale, a notice is emailed to our subscribers informing them of the address, the date, photos and description of the content.
Who prices items ?
Our team researches, evaluates and prices all items, based on a combined knowledge and experience of 75+ years in the market. On certain select items, we honour a reserve price set by the client.
How do you go about marketing our sale ?
We pride ourselves on being the premier Estate Sale and Liquidation company in the greater Montreal area.
We advertise online and in various newspapers. We provide advertising on our site and our mailing list reaches close to 4,000 loyal customers ranging from private buyers, designers and dealers. Additionally, on the day of the sale, we post street signs directing people to the sale.
We advertise online and in various newspapers. We provide advertising on our site and our mailing list reaches close to 4,000 loyal customers ranging from private buyers, designers and dealers. Additionally, on the day of the sale, we post street signs directing people to the sale.
Do you provide cleanups ?
We remove our materials, showcases, tables, clothing racks, signs, etc. In addition, we offer an à la carte cleaning service post-sale.
Do you plan the sale for before or after I leave my home ?
We ask that our client have moved out of the house before we begin our setup for your Estate Sale. This is best for both the client and our staff as we stage the house freely without having your items still in the home. In the event that you cannot move out before we work around your items marking them as not for sale.
How much notice do you need to plan an estate sale ?
Depending on our availability we can plan a sale in a few days. Please ensure that you contact us as soon as possible.
Why You Might Need An Appraisal ?
An appraisal is a professional, unbiased legal report providing you with an accurate description and value of your personal property at any given point in time.
There are many reasons you might need an appraisal. Below are some of the more common.
Personal Appraisal uses in this category include:
Insurance: An appraisal determines replacement value, provides protection in the event of loss, and assists in establishing proper insurance coverage for household effects, antiques, fine art, silver, jewelry, etc.
Estates: Clarify questions of property value. Facilitate the disposition of estate tax reporting requirements. Assist heirs with distribution/de- accessioning property.
Estate Planning: Assist financial planners and related professionals in establishing clients net worth. Be used for judicious estate planning.
Divorce/Property Division: Assist attorneys and their clients in matters of equitable distribution for divorce or dissolution of marriage.
Damage or Loss: Determine loss of value on damaged items and replacement value on lost items.
Price Confirmation: Determine the age and value of your item.
Resale: Establish values before selling.
Liquidation of Personal Property: Establish values before selling.
Donations: Determine value and create documentation for tax purpose.
Corporate Appraisal uses in this category include; Mergers, acquisitions and loan collateral. Tax Loss (Bankruptcy): Establish and document values for claiming a loss. Loan Collateral: Establish values for business loans based on collateral. After our first point of contact everything is discussed at the setup meeting.
Please note: In the case of an infirm or where being present may not be possible, we take the initiative and sort out your content.
There are many reasons you might need an appraisal. Below are some of the more common.
Personal Appraisal uses in this category include:
Insurance: An appraisal determines replacement value, provides protection in the event of loss, and assists in establishing proper insurance coverage for household effects, antiques, fine art, silver, jewelry, etc.
Estates: Clarify questions of property value. Facilitate the disposition of estate tax reporting requirements. Assist heirs with distribution/de- accessioning property.
Estate Planning: Assist financial planners and related professionals in establishing clients net worth. Be used for judicious estate planning.
Divorce/Property Division: Assist attorneys and their clients in matters of equitable distribution for divorce or dissolution of marriage.
Damage or Loss: Determine loss of value on damaged items and replacement value on lost items.
Price Confirmation: Determine the age and value of your item.
Resale: Establish values before selling.
Liquidation of Personal Property: Establish values before selling.
Donations: Determine value and create documentation for tax purpose.
Corporate Appraisal uses in this category include; Mergers, acquisitions and loan collateral. Tax Loss (Bankruptcy): Establish and document values for claiming a loss. Loan Collateral: Establish values for business loans based on collateral. After our first point of contact everything is discussed at the setup meeting.
Please note: In the case of an infirm or where being present may not be possible, we take the initiative and sort out your content.
How is fair market value (FMV) of goods determined ?
A Fair Market Value Appraisal is the price that reflects the fair resale value of items from a willing seller to a willing buyer.
A Fair Market Value Appraisal from Ronda Bly Estate Sales & Appraisals is a CPPAG, USPAP compliant document stating our professional and impartial opinion of the value of your property.
Ronda Bly and her team which hold a combined experience of 75 years, research extensively and provide you with the best assessments to obtain the highest returns.
A Fair Market Value Appraisal from Ronda Bly Estate Sales & Appraisals is a CPPAG, USPAP compliant document stating our professional and impartial opinion of the value of your property.
Ronda Bly and her team which hold a combined experience of 75 years, research extensively and provide you with the best assessments to obtain the highest returns.
What happens to the goods not sold at the end of an estate sale ?
We have a very high sales rate, however some items will remain unsold, at the end of the sale. There are options for the unsold items which we would be happy to discuss with you.
What if I only have a few select items to sell ?
If you only have few items to sell, we can also offer small groups with select buyers or take items on consignment.
Supported items for consignment are: Quality Paintings, Sculpture, Jewelry, Metals; Gold -Jewelry and Coins & Sterling -Flatware and Hollowware, Objets d’Art, Fine Arts and Fine Antiques.
How do I find out about future sales ?
At the top of our homepage (html anchor link) you find dates for upcoming sales (click here). You can also follow us on Facebook (link page here) or sign up to our newsletter (link page here).
How do I find out about future sales ?
At the top of our homepage (html anchor link) you find dates for upcoming sales (click here). You can also follow us on Facebook (link page here) or sign up to our newsletter (link page here).
Do you pre-sell before an estate sale date ?
We do not pre-sell. If you are unable to attend a sale and see an item you wish to purchase, you can send a proxy. We are fair to all our customers and do not sell anything outside of the scheduled dates and times of the sales.
Services Professionels
Nous offrons des services allant des ventes de biens immobiliers à la maison, des ventes pour réduire l’espace de vie, des ventes de déménagement, des ventes et consignations privées, des évaluations et des nettoyages. En moins d’une semaine, du début à la fin, nous pouvons vendre le contenu de votre propriété, faire nettoyer votre maison et vous serez prêt pour votre agent immobilier!