Molded slag styled glass electrified ceiling fixture of a large bowl shape with scroll and floral design embossed on the outside, washed with coloured highlights, with four spaced candle branches and hung by 4 link chains; North American in origin, c.1920’s. Listed Lithographs & Paintings, Marble bust on marble pedestal circa 1910, Modernist handwrought metal sculpture of figures in flight, signed Karen Pascal and dated 1972. Persian & Chinese rugs, Crystal, Silver Plate, China, Georgian dining table circa mid-20th century. Set of 8 Chippendale styled dining chairs circa mid-20th century. Walnut breakfront display cabinet Henredon c. mid-20th century. Late Georgian period demi lune console table, mahogany veneer with satinwood banding, two frieze drawers, set on three tapering legs possibly Canadian in origin, Maritimes, c.1810. Late Victorian parlour brass oil lamp with hand blown shade of cranberry glass with acid etched floral design Canadian in origin, circa late 1800’s. Florentine styled painted and gilded wooden lamp European in origin, circa 1950’s. Sofa, Side tables, Chinese porcelain charger plate with hand-painted Famille Rose styled design; White porcelain covered urn in a baluster shape with hand painted oriental design showing a piece of furniture in polychrome colours, Chinese in origin, c. late 1800’s. Antique English & Chinese porcelain. Swakara fur coat, Vintage bookcase, Bedroom set.